Thank you for submitting the WVTESOL Conference Registration Form. If you have not yet registered and you have arrived at this payment page in error, please start by registering for the conference here: 2025 WVTESOL Conference Registration.
If you selected "Yes. I want my FREE Membership" on the registration page, then your conference fees include one year free membership to WVTESOL. Welcome aboard!
Conference Registration Fees:
If you are paying online with a debit or credit card, please make your selection below. Note: You will be taken to the PayPal website to complete your transaction. Clicking on the Pay Now button will open a new window which shows your selection.
Important Note: Your online payment is not complete until you have checked out. You should receive a separate email receipt from PayPal showing your transaction.
If you have questions or concerns about payment, contact WVTESOL at
Make Checks or Money Orders Payable to: WVTESOL
Important Notes About Purchase Orders and Checks
Mail to:
The West Virginia TESOL Conference
Attn: Dennis Yommer Jr
119 Prestwick Dr.
Youngstown, Ohio 44512
Purchase Orders may be processed via PayPal using your Purchase Card (P. Card). For questions about Purchase Orders, please contact
Note: Your registration will not be considered complete until a copy of your Purchase Order or your payment has been received.
For all the latest conference details, please visit our conference page.